
Thursday, April 23, 2015

DIY Tween BoyToss Pillow Covers

Redoing a growing boy's bedroom has been challenging and fun at the same time. It's certainly allowing me to be resourceful while being thrifty-crafty! 

I bought a cheap toss pillow at Target that was perfect for the American Boy theme. 

It was only $3, and sure it's easy to make a knock off, but at that was cheaper than buying burlap and stuffing. However, it led me to making a couple of covers.

The first one started with two flags from Walmart. Super inexpensive. The perfect size for a small toss pillow. 

I placed one on top of the other, reversing the stars to show correctly on front and back...

to sew together; allowing stitching and edges to show on the outside. (I like the raw sewing look for this particular cover)

Then, stuffed the pillow inside and continued to sew it in.

Done! It was fast and awesome!

For the next cover:
Using iron on transfer paper, I printed off a "Route 66" sign in reverse (mirror image) from Pinterest.

Using an older red pillow case from my son's twin bunk bedding he no longer uses, I cut the fabric to the size I needed to cover this 12"x 12" pillow.

Sewed three sides of it and pressed the fabric flat,

then ironed on the print.

After stuffing the pillow inside, I stitched the last seam and there we have another themed pillow for the room.

Another task is completed very easily and inexpensively.

What pillow cover ideas are you thinking of doing?


  1. Love these pillows! I would be more likely to tackle the iron one.

  2. These are awesome, very inventive. And great for a boy's room. I am working on some Dr. Who themed pillows, love to make pillows, sure jazzes up a room on the cheap. I really like your ideas, they look great!

  3. Love love this idea! What a great idea, best idea of the day! Thank you so so much for sharing this at Making Memories Mondays! You rock! :-)

  4. I bet you could make some beautiful ones, Kim. Any fabric color and print out has many possibilities. I've got to watch for yours :)

    Thanks so much for coming over!

  5. Wow... amazing theme you have, Nikki! I'm sure you can find some nice images to iron on... or maybe even printed t-shirts to repurpose. I want to see your room!

  6. What an amazing idea! I love the pillows! So lovely! I so want one like this for my house! Thanks for sharing this with us at Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party! Pinned this to our board!

  7. Robin, here is a link to what we have finished so far, I hate to leave a link in your comment section, please delete it if you choose, and I am going to be on the look out for t-shirts or an iron on to do a few more! Thanks!
