
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tween Boy Bedroom ORC Week 4

All American Boy Room

It's week four of the One Room Challenge with Calling It Home and I'm so happy to say it's getting closer to finished! 

The plan list:
Patch ceiling
Paint walls
Paint and put media center together
Make tractor seat stool
Make /repurpose/ redo a desk (half done)
Make desk lamp (easy peasy, no prob!)
Paint chest of drawers
Make 2nd lamp 
Paint dresser (half done)
Paint mirror (no problem)
Make and paint headboard (this week)
Upcycle trunk (next week)
Accessories (desk) (got ideas!)
Decor (upcycle guitar(s), dogs, cars, trucks, sports)
Wall art

During last week my biggest challenge was shifting and painting furniture.

But I succeeded in making plain old wood bedroom pieces look more masculine. I used Country Chic Paint in Liquorice.

And I finished revamping current junk furniture into a tween approved media center with a little imagination, repurposed wood and paint.

Also, the bedding, drapes and storage bins are ready to add to the room. We've chosen what decor and things to keep in for the theme.

An easier task of making a couple of toss pillow covers was completed. It's definitely looking like an All American Boy room!

As we get closer to the last week, I can determine whether or not things are working and if anything needs to be added or removed. It's all still in a trial state right now. 

Let's go on over to Linda's place to see how everyone else is doing this week! 

One Room Challenge™ Linking Event, Spring 2015, Week 4


Isn't it so exciting to see how everyone is transforming their spaces?!! It's a lot of work but, once we get to where we need to be, we'll sit back and breathe. 


  1. SO many fun details! Cannot wait to see how they all come together!

  2. This room is seriously amazing! All your projects are perfect for the room. Cannot wait to see everything in the reveal!

  3. This is going to be such a fun boy's room. I need to update some things with my 12 year old son's room and I'm getting lots of inspiration from your room!

  4. Love it! My son's room is baseball and I want to make it more vintage-y. You have given me some inspiration!

  5. I can't wait to finish and post the complete room. At one point I was overwhelmed but now it's getting easier. Thank you for coming over, Kristi!! :)

  6. Aw, thanks, Erin!! Hopefully soon, the room will be finished.
    I've got to stop over to your room next :)

  7. I do hope there are some ideas you can use! They are all quite easy to do and at no or little cost so far. Thank you for coming over, Tricia! :)

  8. I'm thrilled to share ideas to be utilized! I hope you will post your son's room when you finish it; would love to see your ideas! Thank you, Brenna :)
