Pinbellish! A Pinning Celebration | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Pinbellish! A Pinning Celebration

Friday, September 4, 2015

Pinbellish! A Pinning Celebration

Welcome to Pinbellish!

A Pinning Celebration

START:  Friday 7am EST | 11am UTC | Friday 7pm +8UTC 
END:  Monday 7am EST | 11am UTC | Tuesday 7pm +8UTC

What will you find at Pinbellish?

New things to embellish your Pinterest boards.

Show off your latest & greatest pins on multiple blogs.

We'll entertain you with weekly Pin Trivia.

Are you in? Then let's get to it!

Pin Trivia

It seemed appropriate to start the party Trivia with the Push Pin.

Edwin Moore invented the "push-pin" in 1900 and founded the Moore Push-Pin Company. Moore described the push-pin as a pin with a handle. source: Wikipedia
Push Pin is also a the name an English child's game played from the 16th until the 19th centuries. It is also known as "put-pin", and it is similar to Scottish games called "Hattie" and "Pop the Bonnet".[1] In philosophy it has been used as an example of a relatively worthless form of amusement. source: Wikipedia

Not sure how to link up to a party? Click here to learn how.   
 Need to keep track of your party schedule? Build your own Party Tracker.

Link-up rules & Guidelines

  1. Link to your pinterest pin (not your blog)
  2. Add up to 7 pins old or new (one for each day of the week!)
  3. Repin 2 pins for every link you add
  4. Follow your hosts on your favourite social media platform!

Meet & Follow Your Hosts

Robin of Redo It Yourself Inspirations  Google+ | Twitter Pinterest Facebook 
Sarah J of Sarah Celebrates - Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook 
Stella Lee of Purfylle - Google+ | Twitter Pinterest |Facebook 

Redo It Yourself Inspirations

Love the Pinbellish Pin Party?
Grab the Pinbellish party button for your blog’s party page, linked posts or sidebar!


Watch this space next week for some super fabulous features! 

Features will be in the same format you know and love from Two Uses Tuesday:  
  • Most Loved (clicked)
  • Host Favourites
  • Last to Link

Start following the Pinbellish FEATURES board now! The easy way to discover if you've been featured. 

Follow Purfylle's board Pinbellish Features on Pinterest.

Remember, if you ever miss a party you can check the Features Board to see if you've been featured in the past.

 Featured and forgot to grab that button? We’ve got you covered!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Disclosures: By submitting a link to the Pinbellish Link Up you are giving the party hosts permission to feature your image on our blogs, across social media and future round up posts.  Pinbellish hosts respect you and your work; everything will be properly linked back to you and credit given where credit is due.  

All Pinbellish Party members get a 40% discount and one month free when they sign up with our affiliate, Mozzu Pinterest Scheduler.
To claim your Pinbellish Deal open a support ticket at "" and quote the discount code 'PinbellishDeal'.