DIY Repurposed Denim Wall Organizer | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : DIY Repurposed Denim Wall Organizer

Monday, October 26, 2015

DIY Repurposed Denim Wall Organizer

That blasted Styrofoam.
Nasty stuff.
I had to decide whether to toss this 2 inch thick piece junk or redo it.

With a bulletin board in mind, I decided to recycle it.

With some worn out jeans stacked in a pile, I have been wanting to make one of those pocket organizers. Coincidentally, my husband just tossed in a pair of torn out jeans this weekend. (They were ripped in a irreparable area.)
His leg size gave me a little more material to work with. (wink!)

So I cut apart the legs of his old jeans to cover the front and the back of the Styrofoam with glue. Then I rummaged through the rest of my denim pile for pockets.

After trimming the pockets close to the original seams, I organized them on the board before gluing into place. (They could have been sewed on before gluing, but I went with the quick and easy method.)

Then I snagged this cloth weaved belt and trimmed it to fit the back of the board to use as a hanger. Glued on tight, it was easy to "hook" it onto a wall hanger.

The belt from my scrap box gave me the idea to border the entire board with more belts. So I pieced them together and glued them on too.

I got excited and tested out the storage pockets.
Shoving in my "cloth-only scissors" along with a junk pair, they were snug as a bug!
Then some glue sticks, mini wire cutters, and other helping items... I was stoked!

Since this will be my crafting board, I slipped some of my most used items into the pockets.

I can tell already, this organizer is going to get used a lot.

I was so thrilled that I grabbed a few push pins and mini clothespins to add to the organizing.

Yup. It's a really handy helper over the desk.
I'm "digging" it.

And because I'm a sucker for repurposed materials, this is a real cutie to me. I just love stuff like this. 

These were our own worn jeans so I think it might be fitting to use those mini clothespins to attach a photo of us on a few of those pockets.

By golly,  it's a family project!  :)

Imagine that... a photo display and an organizer in one!
