So I'm at it again.
Thrift shopping. I was supposed to get mulch. But on the way, I remembered a buffalo I saw last week and again earlier this week.
I had a crush on him. So I stopped at the thrift shop to find that he was still there... phew!! And luck has it he was a blue ticket and blue was ... half off! I love shades of blue and now even more so.
( huuuge smile!)
I also went in just real quick (really fast, because I'm supposed to do other things... rolling eyes) to scan racks for shower curtains and sheets to paint and make all awesome like for back drops. And some umbrellas to paint white... inside and out.
Why? Can you tell my photos and props are much better than when I was a new blogger last year? I'm learning some photography tricks to improve my blog. The sheets and shower curtains can be hung up behind photo subjects and the white umbrellas bounce the light I need for better photos.
But today... "I got none." I know I can get dollar store umbrellas, so it's not a biggie. I'll just keep a hawk eye out for the large flat sheets. However, there were some large drapes... but not what I was looking for in colors or designs and painting over them just isn't ideal. And... the price of $7.99 per panel... pass... other places like "box stores" have better choices that are new on the shelves. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
But hey, there are always other things available like the buffalo I really didn't need... and just in time before my phone to ran out of space for more photos.
I spy lamps. I went through them and snagged one for the work bench.
This is called "quick scan". You bounce around the best shelves and look from left to right, top to bottom.
I spy some red, white and blue cardboard star boxes. Nah... But I do need some clock parts ...passed on them too because they were too pricey. So I kept moving.
Silver plated stuff... nice. But none of it is needed right now.
Wait... look what's in the silverware box... a pretty grape spoon! Yup, I'll take that for forty-nine cents! It will make a nice ring! Or key ring!
Ha! An outhouse toilet tissue holder! Pass, but I do like those galvanized containers! Perfect for the workshop. They will add to the industrial look I'm doing.
I ran out of space on my phone camera and it was time to lickety split anyway. So I took my treasures and went back to the mulch chore.
Then went through my scores of the day.
So I got this awesome HGTV t shirt for working around the yard... But it's a large and a crew neck. So I redesigned it into a tank top.
By cutting the sleeves off,
and the crew neck snipped away into a scoop neck
it's now a tank top.
To make it look cute, I used some of the sleeve material to add little ties at the shoulders.
And here are the rest of the goodies of the day... brought home safely.
The galvanized containers for the shop will probably get stenciled with labels. Great for storing some furniture hardware.
The lamp will get painted black and then distressed. It will make a great task light on the workbench.
The leather belt was $3.99, but it was a blue ticket and half off, so I put it in my belt stash.
The pretty spoon will be a ring or key ring.
And that buffalo... he will stand proud in the western bedroom. He is my prize of the week for doing all that mulch work. (wink)
How is your thrift shopping going? What did you score? I want to see and hear about it!