Rustic Indian Corn Centerpiece | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Rustic Indian Corn Centerpiece

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Rustic Indian Corn Centerpiece

Getting the dining room ready for Thanksgiving this week, I decided to throw together a table centerpiece using some Indian corn. 

I love the warm colors of the corn and the striping in the husks. 

First, I cut the corn in halves with the band saw. 

Then grabbed a glass plate.

Washed the husks and cut off the curled ends to glue them onto the plate. 

I used hot glue. 

Then I grabbed a cut wine bottle from another project. 

And glued the cut corn halves onto the glass

I tied jute around the corn ring. 
Then added some cinnamon spice scented pine cones to border the corn with the husks.

With plenty of room, I can add a bouquet of fall mums or a candle. 

For Thanksgiving, I'm using this candle. 

Now we have a natural centerpiece to go with the rustic Thanksgiving theme this year. 

Other than buying the corn at the grocery store earlier this fall for decor, this centerpiece was practically free by using up things around the house. 

Pretty and natural! What's your theme this year?