Happily Homemade and Handcrafted Party No.1 | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Happily Homemade and Handcrafted Party No.1

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happily Homemade and Handcrafted Party No.1

Every Wednesday 6 a.m. - Sunday 11:30 p.m.

Welcome to a new link up party!

Feel free to link up your posts (new or old ones). We love seeing what you've been up to! Share your crafts, recipes, DIY, and inspirations! We love to visit other parties and enter giveaways; so you can link those up too! 

Speaking of giveaways, I have a little one going on over "here". 

Since this is the first link up, there are no features this week. But it is the holiday season and hopefully you'll be sharing all of your wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas creations to feature next week.

Hope you're enjoying time with family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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