How lucky I was to get my hands on this gorgeous Leo Jiranek Designer vanity and bench seat!
Unfortunately, it was brush painted; and the upholstered bench pad and mirror were missing.
But missing parts weren't a problem. I made the set complete after all. A thrift store mirror worked itself into the set.
With a trial run for the look, I went with it.
I started with the bench seat. I sanded down the top to raw wood. Then painted the legs. I also removed the drawers from the vanity. Then cleaned the vanity and painted it. (I'm missing those vanity painting photos, being busy with 15 projects going on.)
Then using newspaper, I made a pattern to cut a piece of plywood for an upholstered seat pad.
The pattern was large enough to cut the curves with the band saw.
I wanted to maintain the original design of the seat for the upholstered piece, yet allow about 1.5" of the designer's wood top to show.
Then I stained the wood. Then coated with polyurethane.
It was doing what I planned. I loved it.
I used memory foam for the padded seat. Cutting it to fit over the plywood piece.
I used this fine wale corduroy fabric to match the vanity color.
I put the padded piece aside while working on the mirror.
I cleaned the mirror, then taped it off for painting.
I painted the mirror frame and the swivel attachment. When dried, I measured to center it onto the vanity.
I drilled pilot holes through the swivel frame into the vanity top. Then secured it with wood screws.
Then put the mirror back in its place.
It took a few days and many hours to remove the thick white paint job from the drawers.
I took out of storage, these square wooden knobs given to me from my mother, who had them from one of her projects. I cleaned them up and painted them to match the vanity.
Measuring to center the knobs, I drilled holes through the drawers and added them. I purposely wanted the knobs to appear diamond shape rather than square for a design statement.
With the vanity now complete,
I attached the upholstered pad with screws through the bottom of the bench seat.
I really adore the contrast while maintaining the original vintage style.
So well constructed; this vanity should last a century or much longer with proper use.
It's a very heavy and solid piece. No repairs were needed. No major modifications. Just a couple of additions and a makeover to bring it back to life.
I appreciate that even though it's different now, it maintains its classic style.
I was very pleased that it came together the way I planned.