Chair Makeover ~ Miss Velvet | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Chair Makeover ~ Miss Velvet

Friday, September 5, 2014

Chair Makeover ~ Miss Velvet

This chair was in desperate need of a makeover.  The finish was worn off and the upholstery was wearing thin. 

The little details and those curvy legs were prime candidates for a paint job. 

To start, I removed the seat. 

 Then chose to use this super pretty cheetah print.  A stretch velvet fabric that will be amazing for the seat. 

 The stretch fabric was so easy to work with. (I'm going to keep this in mind for big overstuffing projects.)

Then I spray painted the entire chair.

When dried, I sanded some of the areas of the chair that I wanted to have the base color showing through.

Where I sanded off too much... 

 I stained. 

 After the stain dried, I added a coat of polyurethane to the entire chair. 

After the clear coat dried...

I replaced the soft velvety seat. 

And now looking so... lady like.  So exotic. Those legs and bead necklace like sophisticatedly stylish in her own right.  So...  Miss Velvet shall be her name... 

with that lush seat, sleek lines and wandering curves. 

She is so fitting for a desk.

 Or in the boudoir sitting at a dressing table. 

It doesn't matter where she ends up because she sure is "purrr-ty!"  
