Faux Fur Rug from a COAT! | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Faux Fur Rug from a COAT!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Faux Fur Rug from a COAT!

Oh I love faux fur rugs! Just a quick glance at them and immediately you feel the warmth and comfort they give the entire room. 

Some of the really beautiful ones can be pricey, so I haven't bought any yet. 

I happened to spot this long faux fur coat in a thrift store and immediately went to it. So soft and beautiful...  I certainly would use it as fabric! Regular price was $12.99 ...HA! I couldn't have done better at the fabric store! As I stood at the counter to cash out, the cashier rang it up half price!!! NO WAY! A size large coat is a lot of fur to work with.

Tickled to pieces, I raced home to get started on my rug! 

I laid the coat out on the floor to get started by removing the lining.

Then cut off the arms and collar; all around the shoulders.

I took a break and looked at this massive fur fabric. ... I really scored! (I had to stand on a chair to get this photo)

I contemplated whether to have the high part of the back remain... and roughly cut around the fabric to make it appear as natural animal hide; OR to make a straight cut for a rectangular rug.

When I finally decided, I could shop for more of these coats at a later time, I went with rectangular for this one and cut off the odd end piece. I sewed it straight and began the backing. 

A piece of rough felt is enough to back the fur with and it was just about $4. 

I glued it on with Speed-Sew and allowed it to dry. 
Gotta love a no sew project, ey? 

 I used hot glue to make non-skid strips directly on the felt.

When it was dry, I had a tough time deciding where to stage it because it's so cozy! 

So I'm playing with it until I make more to have everywhere.

It's plush!!! Love it! 

Yup... going to do more of these... 

A faux fur rug... for only TEN DOLLARS!!! 

The leftover scrap fur? ... I have another re-purpose post or two coming up next! 

I hope this inspired you to be on the look out to make yours. Super fast and easy... and cheap!!!