Upcycled Foot Stool | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Upcycled Foot Stool

Friday, April 11, 2014

Upcycled Foot Stool

A thrift shop find that I actually like!  With just a few changes using leather belts and paint, this foot stool can have a whole new look. 

I like the color of the covering and there are no tears or cuts in it. 

The legs are fine; they just need a little paint. 

The only worn areas are the "cords" at the seams. 

I removed the legs and sprayed them in flat black paint.

I trimmed off the worn cords with scissors
and sealed the raw edges with glue, leaving the rest.

Then, decided on what mix matched belts to use, including buckles and loops.  I chose to use browns for the top and bottom, and black for the center to go around the entire sides of the stool. 

Securing the belts into the wood frame with screws...

and used hot glue to attach the rest of the belt.

Further securing at the buckle straps with screws...

that were covered with the strap glued down. 

Where some of the belts ended,I used leather belt
loops to "patch" the connection. 

After the legs were dry, I sanded them
 lightly here and there for a distressed look. 

Then applied a clear coat of lacquer.

Allowed to dry.

All set to be "funky" cool ~ 

with pretty legs

and sleek corners 

Go ahead and put your feet up!  

Done in a day~  Don't "cha" love that kind of project ?
