Monday, April 28, 2014

Trash to Treasure Tuesday

Last week I introduced my new weekly post, Trash to Treasure Tuesday, where I choose to feature some fantastic upcycles.  

Changing it a bit,  I'm inviting you to link up your Trash to Treasure posts.  I'll continue to feature from the ongoing posts each week. 

Before we get into the link up, let's take a look at a few amazing salvaged pieces of work that caught my eye this week:  

Once upon a time there was a stately ice box residing in a general store.  After many years, it wasn't used anymore. In a public post with intent to be rid of it, a woman rescued it. 
The ice box sat in the garage for over a year until one day the woman had the brilliant idea to convert it into a vanity for her farmhouse bathroom... AND DID SHE EVER!  Rachel of The Olde Farmhouse on Windmill Hill turned the old ice box into a gorgeous bathroom vanity.  You must see her before and after transformation!

Jennifer at Decorated Chaos snagged this crate up from a pile on the side of the road.

She was on a mission for a rich color for a beautiful fall display. She did it! 

This dresser was found at the road in front of a house for sale. 

And what a difference the details make! It's hard to believe it's the same dresser, by Cristin at Eve of Reduction

It all started with a discarded coffee table top at the side of the road... 
Linda at Hymns & Verses decided it would be perfect as the base for an upholstered ottoman in the living room

~ Now for the link up and the boring rules ~

1.  Please post your Trash to Treasure themed project links.  

Please link posts, refraining from linking giveaways or shops. (My blog goal is to inspire and share how to tutorials.) 

2. Links must be your own work.

3. Please Grab the Trash to Treasures Tuesday Button and display on your blog either on your sidebar or post linking here to share the party and everyone's links.

4. I'll probably brag about you. By linking up here, you're allowing me to show you off on Redo It Yourself Inspirations blog by using your linked photos in featured posts along with my social media outlets. Photos will be linked back to your site and posted as the original creator where full credit is due to your craft and cleverness.

grab button for Redo It Yourself Inspirations
<div class="redo-it-yourself-inspirations-button" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Redo It Yourself Inspirations" width="250" height="150" /> </a> </div>
To upload button:
Right click the button above, copy image and paste into your linked edit post and apply this post’s url as a link to the picture.
Or right click the button image, save to desktop, upload into your blog post as a photo, and apply this post’s url as a link to the image.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Trash to Treasure Tuesdays

I'd like to introduce you to my new weekly feature, Trash to Treasure TuesdaysToday, on Earth Day,  I'll visually show you how to reuse your...mind.  

Recycling and reusing is vital to our environment. We all know that.  And, we can be guilty of not following through with reducing waste.  I am, as much as I try not to. 

Whether something is broken or no longer desired, it generally requires a little bit or a whole lot of changing it out rather than tossing it out. If you follow me, you know I utilize that theory often.  

Before you toss out that old chair in the garage or shed, or before you pass by that chair on the side of the road, think about what it could be if you put your mind to it.  What do you like about your trashy piece? What needs to be done to it to repair it or change it to the new life for you have in mind for it?  Don't be afraid to use your favorite colors or textures.  If you aren't accustomed to repairs, take your time with it. Look for resources or inspirations to help you along your creative way. You may find while doing one step you could totally change your first idea to another anyway. And that one afterthought could be the best idea yet! Don't rush yourself. Ask for help when you are stuck. 

I promised some visual enticements, so let's go ahead and expand our minds with these inspirations: 

BEFORE:  Kate and Joey's curbside find... 

AFTER: and isn't it darling?  You can find their tutorial at Mr. Kate.  I truly love how they added the branch pieces!  

vegetable garden gate
Margaret reused this gate (in its former life), and now hangs between two 8-by-8 posts she had lying behind her barn the last who knows how many years. It wasn't her first attempt at this type of structure in her garden glory...

old headboard as gate
...this was. Some 25 years ago, when she first bought her place, she explored the woods around it and found two home foundations and an iron bed a decorative headboard and footboard rusting among collapsing stones. The headboard became a beautiful gate  posted by Margaret at A Way to Garden

BEFORE: Would you pass by this pile at the curb?  Tami didn't. 

AFTER: And this is why she didn't.  
Tami of Curb Alert saw a new functional life for that patio set. 

BEFORE:  Annie of Unexpected Treasures salvaged this dresser from getting tossed out.

AFTER:  And she wasn't afraid to use a some paint and design after she recreated a whole new transformation of that beat up dresser. 

If you are new here, this is one of my road rescue pieces. 

With a little determination, what was trash is now treasure. 

Hopefully with these ideas,  and many more coming up each week, you've been inspired to enough to start  your own "Before and After" creations.  It can be anything from a photo frame to a massive armoire! Be brave; you can do it. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Chain Linky Climb and Giveaway

God’s Growing Garden

~ Angie and Angel ~

April from "100lb Countdown"
(Click on the blog button below)

100 lb Countdown

April is our permanent week#4 co-host.  Checkout what's been happening on "A Peek Into My Paradise" lately:
Manage Conflict in Your Marriage
Turn Your Website Tide & Turn It Up Tuesday
Blogging Essentials Giveaway


Robin from "Redo It Yourself Inspirations"
(Click on the blog button below)

Redo It Yourself Inspirations
Robin's wonderful blog is a Garden & Home DIY.  Here is a descriptive quote from Robin: "I've always had a tendency to be motivated and easily inspired to be creative. It's the way I've been molded. I'm the daughter of a master craftsman cabinet maker and a thrifty crafty lady. My new journey started when my husband and I bought a real fixer upper home a few years ago. I had no choice but to dive in and get back into the do-it-yourself mode full force. Every room and every aspect of the home and property needed a LOT of work. There is still more to do. The cost and time can be overwhelming but I conquer that by recycling household items into re-purposed functions. With that, I'm hereby sharing our trail of improvements with hope to inspire others."


Angie from "Desperate HouseLife"
(Click on the blog button below)
Desperate HouseLife
Angie's lovely blog is so helpful in all areas of  House & Home.  Please read a quote from Angie: "Twenty-something housewife who loves all things domestic--including (but not limited to) DIY, crafting, homemaking, crochet, knit, scrapbooking, sewing, cooking, and whatever else tickles my fancy."


Steph from "A Time For Seasons"
(Click on the blog button below)
A Time For Seasons
This fantastic blog is about "Seasonal Adventures, crafts, recipes & more".  Steph describes herself & her blog as follows:  "I am a happily married, work at home, homeschooling mother of 3. I own my own business, Atlanta's Santas, and in the off-season Love to participate in Children's Consignment Sales and Mary Kay."

It's the month long Networking Blog Hop 
With our sixth CLIMB GIVEAWAY!
Networking means helping each other grow!! 
If you want to promote a CLIMB link then use #ChainLinkyCLIMB on Twitter or Google+ so that we can all help each other grow!
Here's how the Giveaway & Co-hosting works - the co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!!  (If you would like to co-host please sign up at the end of this post using the last "Linky") 

Please enter below -one person will win:
- $30 Paypal Cash

- 1 Ad Space on A Peek Into My Paradise for 30 days - $30 value

- 1 Turbo Sponsor Ad on 100lb Countdown - $7 value

- 1 Ad Space on Cuddlebug Cuties - $10 value

- 1 Sidebar Ad Space on Heidi's Wanderings - $10 value

- 1 Sidebar Ad Space on God's Growing Garden - $10 value

- 1 "My Cookie Creation Countdown" ebook by Angie Ouellette-Tower - $3 value

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF2701_zpsbc250581.jpg
Learn how to make these "Strawberry Lime Linzer Cookies" just in time for Spring! (Recipe part of "My Cookie Creation Countdown" - my top 10 favorite cookie recipes).


CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions: 
- This Giveaway is open worldwide
- You must be 18 years or older to enter 
- You MUST have a valid Paypal account & a blog to enter
- You must enter a valid email address
- This Giveaway is open from March 31st, 2014 until April 29th, 2014
- Winner must respond within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
- Giveaway Hosts & Co-hosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - April CLIMB blog hop co-hosts may enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
- correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes.  Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
- if you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now onto the CLIMB (blog hop):

 photo ClimbIntro_zpse33b3737.jpg

 photo ClimbFollow_zps7d1a2ebf.jpg

This linky list is now closed.

 photo ClimbRules_zps84f341fc.jpg

By participating in this blog hop your understand that your link might be promoted on social media.  Also, by participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month. 

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
Remember - Now if you co-host you will receive a free Weekly Sidebar Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!

(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. - Leviticus 5:32 (KJV)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Favorite Color Swap

It's time for the Favorite Color Swap!
Goodies in your favorite hue.

Favorite Color Swap

It's time to sign up for another fun swap with Chaotic Goddess Swaps

In this swap round,  we are swapping things that include our partner's favorite color. Basically you send 5 or more items to your swap partner in their favorite color and receive 5 or more items in your favorite color.   Mine is turquoise or aquamarine. 

It sounds like a lot fun, right? 

All detailed information
 regarding the sign up, rules and how to participate  is posted at Chaotic Goddess Swaps.   Maybe we will be partnered up!   I'm a great gift giver!  Below are the important dates to remember regarding the swap.

The Swap Objective

Fill a package with at least 5 goodies for your partner that you, yourself, would love to receive.  The package must include items in your partner's favorite color!  

Dates to Remember:

  • Sign-Ups Start:  Monday, April 14th at 12AM
  • Sign-Ups End: Monday, April 21st at 12AM
  • First Post MUST be Posted by: Tuesday, April 22nd at 12AM
  • Partners assigned: Wednesday, April 23rd
  • Packages Shipped: Friday, May 9th & Saturday May 10th
  • Show-Off Linky Opens: Wednesday, May 14th
  • Show-Off Linky Closes: Friday, May 30th

 I can't wait to  see who my partner is! There's still time to sign up, so go ahead and venture on over to Chaotic Goddess Swaps!

Join in the on the fun! 

April 23, 2014

My SWAP partner news: 

It's time to introduce you to your Favorite Color Swap Partner! 

Your Partner:
Ok, it's time now to meet your partner--are you as excited as we are? I've listed both of your information below. Make sure you reach out to each other to talk and get to know each other, as well as follow each other's blogs and social media!  This allows you to make a new friend and to send a great personalized package.

Name: Kathleen Clegg
Favorite Color: Pink

YAY for me!!!!  I get to shop for PINK!  I already follow Kathleen, so that was great news.  But now, I need to stalk her... in a good way. 


April 30, 2014

I had some very enjoyable visits through Kathleen's blog(s) and posts over the last couple of weeks.  I even visited her husband's blog to read more about her.  She is a very interesting lady.  A wife, mother and grandmother, who has lived in China and traveled quite a bit. I was able to travel the world with her, meet her family, see all of her works and posts.  I really enjoyed her crafts. 

After heavily stalking Kathleen, I spent a couple of days meandering around a few stores to choose some surprises for her. I was able to get the package shipped out April 29th.  This was a fun experience. Having a home of just males for 30+ years, even male dogs, it was nice to surround myself in some shades of pink for a change. I didn't know there were so many pinks!  A color I don't even have much of myself.  I think I have just a hairbrush in a bright pink right now. Occasionally I'll buy a pink toothbrush.  

I chose a mix of personal items and crafty things for Kathleen that she could add her special touches to.  Some practical and some fun stuff.  It's off to her in the mail and I hope she enjoys the box of goodies.


May 6, 2014 Update

It's time for the Favorite Color Swap REVEAL!

Goodies in my favorite hue:

~ Turquoise

I received my turquoise package from my SWAP partner, Kathleen! 

Kathleen enclosed a beautiful note card along with her Crafty Business Card!  So cute! On the front it has a pair of scissors illustrated and it states "i make stuff".   Unique! 

Now you must see what she made for me!  This beautiful infinity scarf is patched in blues and turquoise. She sewn it together, choosing just the right colors.  And there is this super pretty hanging wooden flower, (Isn't it summery? Love it!)  What do you think of this cute little mason jar filled with peanut brittle?  Check out the cloth topper she added to it. At first glance I thought she hand painted it, but the fabric was printed that way. Clever touch, I thought! 

The rest of the package included two fun spools of ribbon and two packages of  buttons that will definitely be used for something crafty sometime soon!  Ha! Three sturdy wooden handled silicone spatulas! Note my use of the word "sturdy". These spatulas won't flop when you scrape with them; they are thick!  Now my favorite part of the entire package... the lovely leatherette covered journal.  Beee-u-tee-ful!!!  And be still my heart... two large dark chocolate bars.  So perfect to go with my coffee.  

My package was filled with "AWESOME"! 

When I received Kathleen's package of goodies it felt like it was a Christmas  exchange.  It was so exciting! 

If you would like to see what I sent Kathleen, you can visit her Color Swap post here.   I'm looking forward to all of the SWAP posts coming up May 14th with  Chaotic Goddess Swaps.

****Kathleen, thanks so much again for the great surprises and being my partner.  I truly loved your package and can't wait to put everything to good use. ****  

Favorite Color Swap image
