Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Retro Re-pin Party

Happy Fall!

Are you ready for October?  

Are you ready for the Party?  
I am!

The rest of the party crew told me to pick a favorite from last week's party to feature.  I had a bit of trouble doing that because I liked too many. So I asked them, "Can I have three?  I narrowed it down from twenty-something!" They said, "Go for it". 

In no particular order, three of my picks to feature are: 

Recycled Plastic Bag Decor Pillow

by Shanice of City of Creative Dreams 
recycled plastic bag pillow decor

Pallet Wood Centerpiece

by Kathe with an E 
Pallet Wood Centerpiece - Kathe With An E

Octopus Footstool

Please grab your
Featured Pin!

grab button for Redo It Yourself Inspirations
<div class="redo-it-yourself-inspirations-button" style="width: 124px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://redoityourselfinspirations.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SqOcV8wmd3Y/VCscZWDJubI/AAAAAAAANmA/OxxVTWZG6_c/s150-no/Retro-Re-pin-Party-Feature-Button-Redo-It-Yourself.png" alt="Redo It Yourself Inspirations" width="124" height="125" /> </a> </div>

Everyone who has linked up certainly has so much talent and creative ideas!  Thank you all for sharing with us!

Now let's see if I have trouble choosing again this week! Bah-hahaha~ 

Welcome to the Retro Re-pin Party!

This is the fun new party where you link up your Pinterest pins and have them re-pinned! Link up your old or new pins - we don't care we just love to pin!! Thank you for coming to re-pin with us!
While here please join in our Trick or Treat Halloween Giveaway! Great blogger opp!

I know we have made a few changes the last few parties and one change is all the hostesses will now choose their favorite pins!! So without further ado:

Last week's most re-pinned link is: Pumpkin Bread by Tammy from Creative K Kids! If you didn't re-pin it last week, please re-pin it today (just click the image to open the pin). Congrats to you Tammy!

Our updated button! If you want one, take a button. Stephanie made these for us and we would love to see them scattered around the web!

2 Crochet Hooks

Meet your Retro Repin hostesses! With such awesome hostesses on 8 blogs, that's 8 times the exposure for your pin! WOOHOO!! If you love to pin and want to join us, leave a note or send an email, we would be glad to have you!
new Retro-Re-pin-Party-Button-400x400
Time to meet your hostesses!! Please consider following on at least one social media!
Kristina and Millie @ 2 Crochet Hooks: Blog/Pinterest
Dee @ Meatloaf and Melodrama: Blog/Pinterest
Stephanie @ Sustaining the Powers: Blog/Pinterest
Becka @ Probably Crafting: Blog/Pinterest
Felicia @ Nifty Thrifty Family: Blog/Pinterest
Leslie @ Crafty Side of Sarcasm: Blog/Pinterest
Julie V. @ Sombody's Dinner: Blog/Pinterest
Robin @ Redo It Yourself Inspirations: Blog/Pinterest

We would love if you would follow our Retro Re-pin Board!

*~* Are you all ready to party?!? *~*

Note: By linking up to this party, you give the hostesses permission to share your posts via social media with links back to the original source. If you have entered an email address into the link up too, an email may be sent when the party goes live. Your email will not be used in any other way.

Time to get our Pinterest on!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Whatever Wednesday

Welcome back to another fabulous Whatever Wednesday!  Please help me welcome our guest hostess Lisa from Blogghetti and Robin from Redo it Yourself Inspirations!  

Robin shared her fabulous Chalkboard!    

redoit chalkboard

Big thanks for stopping by and partying with us! It’s time to share your crafts, kids crafts, recipes, posts, photos, DIY, tips, fashion advice, blogging help, articles, parties, giveaways, whatever! Link up and visit other links, meet new bloggers, and have fun!

A few lucky bloggers will be featured on Thank You Honey and win an opportunity to guest host Whatever Wednesday! Every Post gets Pinned!

But First the The Golden Rule!

Follow the Host via a minimum of one method listed below.

If you choose to…  And we love it if you do…

1. Subscribe to our Newsletter to be considered for the feature and guest host opportunity!
2. If you choose to share our party by tweeting, G+, Facebook, so more people can find out about the party & join!
3. Please keep posts rated G!
4. Grab our button if you want to place it on your blog. And if you were featured last week if you want!

Let’s get this party started!!! It’s Whatever Wednesday on Thank You Honey!!

Hostess with the Mostess!

Sarah~ Thank You Honey

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Guest Hostess

Robin~ Redo it Yourself Inspirations


Lisa~ Blogghetti

Past Hostess~

Feel free to mingle with some of our last months hostess if you choose. They would love to hear from you!

Anne Marie~ Crunchy, Crafty, and Highly Caffeinated

Lisa~ Blogghetti

Paris~ My Big Happy Life

Kristen~ Maniac Mom

Shari~ Pure Grace Farms

Rebekah~ Surviving Toddlerhood 

Jhanis~ The Vanilla Housewife
The Vanilla Housewife
Leilani & Emily~Just a Touch Crazy
 photo kidshands_zpsbb29700e.jpg


If you were Featured... Grab a button...

 photo 13d1d464-5715-45df-9e57-4032282adc9b_zps1e318c85.jpg

Link Up!

It’s Whatever Wednesday! Time to share your crafts, kids crafts, recipes, posts, photos, DIY, tips, fashion advice, blogging help, articles, parties, giveaways, whatever! Link up and visit other links, meet new bloggers, and have fun! One lucky blogger will be featured on Thank You Honey and win an opportunity to guest host Whatever Wednesday!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Welcome to #SoMe2 - Week #53

Come join the Social Media Link Party!!!

Welcome to #SoMe2 - Week #53

SOcial MEdia is all about ENGAGEMENT, and we want to do more than find new followers, we want to grow our engagement! The more we comment, like, and share each other's posts, the more engaged we become and that makes the SOcial MEdia "algorithms" happy!

 Each week we will link a different Social Media platform and post from that platform.
This week we are growing and engaging with Instagram!
 If you want to GROW your SOcial MEdia channels and GROW your engagement,
This is the party for you!  

The more you put in to this SOcial MEdia link party, the more you will get out!
Don't link and run - share-comment-pin-like and tell your friends!

#SoMe2 is a SOcial MEdia link party where we link up 2 items every Tuesday @ 7:00pm EST!

Image Map

We are pleased to introduce our #SoMe2 featured blogger of the week...

Robin has shared this with us:

Hello friends! I'm Robin, "Redo It".

Wife, mom of three sons, and one dog, and 3 goldfish. I'm down to earth country. Lover of horses, western and farm life, history, arts and crafts, landscaping, gourmet cooking and, of course, a die hard DIYer. My workshop life completes me. I love creating.

Sometimes things will become created out of need. You find yourself in situations that an item, a room or an outdoor space is screaming for an inexpensive improvement. In these circumstances you reach out for ideas and solutions. The possibilities can be endless and rewarding. I usually achieve this by recycling everyday household items into re-purposed functions, restoring projects and much more. Showing you how is my purpose.

Follow along with me while we explore home improvement, crafts, gardening and repurposing at Redo It Yourself Inspirations

Thanks, Robin!

Would you like to be a #SoMe2 featured blogger?
Everyone who enters the Rafflecopter below each week will have a chance to win a spot as our featured blogger. We will feature your blog, and links to your social media. Your links will be inserted into the Rafflecopter for that week - gaining you more followers.

So be sure to enter to win the weekly featured blogger spot!

Note: Please be sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form accurately. Entries are verified.

The rules are simple!
  1. Please follow your hostesses and featured blogger.
  2. Please add the #SoMe2 button (found at the bottom of the post) to your sidebar or link page.
  3. Tweet about the party! More partiers = More followers! All you have to do is click the "tweet" button!  
  4. Use our hashtag #SoMe2 when tagging or posting so we can find each other!
You will automatically be entered into our email reminder list by entering a link. You may remove yourself from the list by using the un-subscribe option.


1) Link up your main Instagram Page 
2) Follow your Hostesses and Featured Blogger
3) Follow 2 people before your link, if you already follow them,
find 2 new people to follow

This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here


1) Link up 1 recent Instagram Post
(Go to your Instagram page, click on your profile, click on view profile, select a post, copy the Instagram url, and paste that URL into link party.)
2) Like and comment on your hostesses and featured blogger's Instagram links.
3) Like and comment on at least the 2 links in front of yours. This way everyone will get Instagram Love! One of hostesses will make sure the last two links get comments.
This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here

Thanks for joining our SOcial MEdia link party!
See you next week – same time, same place!

DeDe,  Kim,  Sarah V.,  Sarah C.,  & Susan

Grab button for ~SoMe2~
<div class="SoMe2-button" style="width: 150px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.enjoytheviewblog.com/search/label/some2" rel="nofollow">
<img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/oazomb.jpg" alt="SoMe2" width="150" height="150" /> </a> </div>

I am Brave and Beautiful

Today I'm "un-doing". 
I'm presenting a naked smile. 

I am Brave and Beautiful is a beauty movement that is sweeping the globe. Colbie Caillat started it with her recent song and video called TRY. My blogging friends wanted to push this movement along and invited women from all over to share what they looked like without make up and I joined in. Colbie’s song says, “Take your make up off. Let your hair down… Look into the mirror at yourself, Do you like you? Cause I like you… “
Megan and her friend Cobi are behind this project. Their vision included creating their own video inspired by the song TRY. The talent of Robbins Creative made it possible for them to pull it off. You have to click play and see the beauty and bravery displayed and you might even recognize a few faces in there.
I’ve joined in with 101+ other blogging women from different backgrounds, religions, ethnicities, ages, shapes and sizes and we've all decided to be Brave and Beautiful! You can join in this movement, too, by sharing what you look like without makeup on. you don't need to be a blogger. Just tag your photo with #IamBraveAndBeautiful on Instagram and search the hashtag to see who else has joined in. ALSO, if you tag it with a second hashtag, #ColbieTRY, we just might be able to get Colbie Caillat’s attention since she was the inspiration behind it all!
Are you brave and beautiful?
I'm not. 
I've been criticized.  I've been told that I'm ugly. My ideas are a waste of time. I'm stupid. I'm just a "hick country girl".  Being that I'm not good enough, pretty enough, young enough and smart enough. And at 54 years old, I'm just old.   Throughout many years, I've spent a lot of time trying to evaluate who I am and why and it shouldn't be based on others' criticism. 

If my appearance can't be socially accepted like this:  

Then it will never be accepted like this: 

And I don't mind. 
I've always accepted the fact that no one could like me for who I am. Now that I've fully matured, I don't even care what others think.  The painful words and actions don't hurt anymore.  I really AM different. Who should give a knick knack patty whack? Me. I need to please myself and realize the beauty around me.  I know who I am and what I love. I’m not perfect and never will be. I put my heart and soul into who and what I love. I just strive to do the best I can. That's enough for me. It seems to be enough for those who love me back. 

I'm brave. I'm tough. I'm a creator. I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister and conqueror of my self inflicted battles. My appearance is not beautiful, but I know my heart is because it loves so hard it hurts. That is power. That is bravery.  That is my beauty.
share your natrual beauty - brassyapple.com
Good morning, face! Let's get out there and have another kick ass beautiful day! 

Don't stop here. Get clicking around – its a blog hop! Below are more brave and beautiful women bearing more than their natural beauty. They all have a little bit of their heart to share with you. Some get very personal. Some share stories. For some this was very hard to do yet they gathered their courage and did it anyway. We hope as you click around (and YES pin these different posts!) you will feel the importance of it, the empowering effect it has and that it encourages you in some way.
women sharing their natural beauty - no makeup
women with our makeup on and what makes them beautiful
women from around the world share their face with no makeup on - BrassyApple.com
Mommy bloggers share their face without makeup and what makes then beautiful
Natural beauty untouched photos
raw natural beauty - join the movement
beauty and bravery - women wearing no makeup - Brassyapple.com
#colbietry #iambraveandbeautiful
Ready in join in?Snap, hashtag and share! Tag @BrassyApple and @Peacefrom6Pieces if you can too!
Also follow our Bravery and Beauty PINTEREST board for more inspiration!